Monday, August 13, 2012

Beer! Yeast and Pizza!

Hey There Gourmanauts,

This week's food jaunt comes with much inspiration from another form of fungus, the little powerhouse yeast.   This awesome microorganism gives fizz and flavor to beer, bread, and many more foods.  In fact, many of our favorite foods would not be what they are without this lil' culinary badass.

The most common forms of yeast found are wild, such as the whitish-blue powder found on grapes and plums (that's called bloom), brewer's yeast- ale and lager types, and the varieties used in baking and cooking.  When baking, I personally like active dry yeast the best, as you do not have to wait too long for it to"reactivate" from it's dormant state.  And, well with beer, I do not necessarily discriminate between ales or lagers, as both can be rather quaffable.

Image borrowed from
With that being said, as still some what of a new comber to Tallahassee,  I have recently discovered Momo's Pizza and Brew off of Killearn.   Their brew's are great!  I was quite thrilled to discover they had not one but two options of a tasting flight: a smaller 2 oz, and a larger more share-worthy 6 oz.  When presented with my four beer 6oz flights, I was impressed by the variety, purity of style, and complexity of flavors which their beers captured.  The four beers I chose were all Momo's house brews:     Hipnosis Double IPA, Moose and Squirrel Nut Brown, Black Jack Stout, and Vine and Rhine Kolsh.  Two sips in, and I usually take two sips upon first inspection just to be sure,  I found that Hipnosis Double IPA is my favorite.  Zesty, delightfully citrusy, florally hoppy, a slight caramely- sweetness, large-full bodied finish and smoothness.  In fact, as I write this I wish I had one in a frosty glass.  In a close second, was the Moose and Squirrel Nut Brown.  This delicious little bevy, is toasted nut in flavor, with a hazelnut creaminess, dark caramel to soft coffee notes, and very smooth.  Overall a great experience, service was great and prompt, and the food was scrumptious as well.  I ordered a personal pizza with white sauce, pesto, portobello mushrooms, fresh tomatoes, and goat cheese... quite a nice compliment to their beers.   I most certainly will be going back to Momo's, and hopefully soon.

Well, that just about wraps it up for this week, kids.  Oh wait, I almost forgot to mention I mixed my sourdough starter yesterday.  So excited... oh the breads I will bake.  Not to fear, I will post recipes, mishaps, successes, and photos of all endeavors.   Stay tuned for all the fun, and cheers!

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